Sea Tow life jacket loaner station
The Sea Tow Foundation has won $220,000 in donations from the Sport Fish Restoration & Boating Trust, which is administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. The first grant, of $120,000, will go toward the Life Jacket Loaner Program, while the second grant, of $100,000, will fund a new national campaign called Designated Skipper.
More than 220 life jacket loaner stands are now being stocked nationwide for boaters to use when they need to borrow a PFD free of charge. The new grant will increase the number of loaner stands in the United States, specifically in areas where there have been high incidents of drowning. Applications will be accepted starting in October from nonprofit groups and state boating agencies wanting stands.
The Designated Skipper campaign will encourage boaters to designate a sober driver. The campaign will include educational materials about the effects of boating under the influence.
Learn more about both programs at