If you’ve been paying attention to the center console market for the past few years, you must have noticed a widespread movement to go big or go home. The trend is not lost on Pursuit Boats , which recently introduced its S 408, a burly, do-it-all cruiser built for pure, unadulterated fun. With a deep-V hull form (20 degrees transom deadrise), this is enough boat to slice across the Gulf Stream easily and get you over to the islands. If you choose the optional triple Yamaha 350s and score good weather, you can make the crossing at a speedy clip that will blow your hair back in more ways than one.
WHOM IT’S FOR: The S 408 is meant to double as a sporty cruiser or a platform for on-water activities like fishing and diving. Think of her as an SUV of the sea.
PICTURE THIS: The coolers are packed, and the rods and dive gear are all stowed. Your wife is sunning herself forward, and your son is seated next to you at the helm, watching and learning. You leave Government Cut at noon and watch the Miami skyline fade into the distance beyond your wake. Next stop: the Abacos. And you’ll be there well before sundown.