Underwater Explorer: Aquabotix’s Integra is a hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle/remotely operated vehicle. Yacht owners can send the drone on self-guided missions in AUV mode or attach a tether and take control via the unit’s ROV mode. Aquabotix makes two versions: the Integra 100 ($25,000) and Integra 300 ($35,000). Both come with high-definition cameras and can be fitted with sensors ranging from manipulator arms to side-scanning sonar.

All-Weather AIS: Ocean Signal’s ATA100 AIS (call for pricing) has a 99-channel GPS receiver and a 7-inch LCD screen. It is a Class A transceiver that displays basic coastline cartography relative to a yacht’s position and other nearby AIS targets. Alternatively, an ATA100 can display a customizable target list of the yacht owner’s choice. The user interface is tacked via hard keys and a dedicated jog stick, and the unit is designed to allow for multiple installation options.

Unflinching Eye: Furuno’s DRS4DL+ radar ($1,900) combines the current DRS4DL model with the company’s Fast Target Tracking feature and automatic radar plotting aid capabilities. The 4 kW DRS4DL+ fits into a 19-inch radome and delivers a maximum range of 36 nautical miles. Paired with a heading sensor, the DRS4DL+ can automatically acquire and track as many as 10 targets while displaying their speed and course-vector information.