Quahog Companion
Quahogging is the harvesting of hard-shell clams, the quahogs of southern New England. Since Indian times, quahoggers have treaded through waist-high, muck-bottom water, bending over to pick up any smooth object they feel with their feet. Bare feet are best used, but that risks getting cut by broken shells or bottles. Merrell Barefoot has added amphibious shoes to its foot-forming Glove line, perfect for quahogging and a variety of boating circumstances. For example, stand-up paddling, beach landings and island exploration each would benefit from the tactile sensibilities of bare feet but with the protection and grip of a Vibram sole. The Barefoot Water line features two styles each for men and women — laced or strapped — including the Rapid Glove ($100) shown here. Merrell, 800-288-3124; www.merrell.com

Double-Skin Cooker
Every component of the Quickline Sovereign BBQ grill, including the barbecue plate, disperser, fat tray, burner and control valve, are removable for easy cleaning. A double skin of stainless steel forms the base, thus minimizing the transfer of heat to the outside of the grill and preventing the escape of fat drippings, which flow to an easily removed tray. The Sovereign BBQ comes in two sizes ($679 for the Bravo shown here and $779 for the Alpha) and each has two surface plates — a full flat plate and a half flat/half grill plate. The half-and-half, for example, allows a chef to grill mahi steaks on one side while preparing grouper filets a la plancha on the other. The double-wall construction using 316 stainless is unlikely to discolor over time, while heavy-duty plates are made of 3CR12 stainless for excellent heat conductivity and distribution. Quickline, 714-843-6964; www.quickline.us

“Airing” on the Side of Caution
The Nitrox Systems 450 WC ($24,900) was designed to address a dilemma for scuba-diving yachtsmen. They need to fill their tanks but would rather mount their air compressors discretely, out of sight like other ship’s machinery. The problem is that traditional air-cooled compressors work better in open air. In a ship’s engine room, they run too hot, shortening their working life and potentially creating a carbon monoxide hazard as lubricating oils cook. According to Nitrox Solutions, water-cooling is the answer, because it allows the safe installation of a high-pressure compressor in tight, hot spaces, such as an engine room or ship’s locker. The smallest water-cooled compressor in the world, the NS 450 WC, runs cool even when engine room temperatures rise by more than 100 degrees. And Nitrox Solutions specializes in customizing its systems to fit in the oddly shaped spaces typically found on yachts. Lauderdale Diver, 954-467-2822; www

Heat Beater
Thousands of years ago, camel herders learned that soaking their water bags made for a cooler drink. Today’s misting systems use the same “desert-water-bag effect” to keep humans cool in summer. Lately the evaporative cooling concept has been adapted for boats by a company called Mist-er-Comfort, which says it can lower cockpit temperatures as much as 25 degrees. Plumbing consists of tiny nozzles and tubes that are concealed within the structure of a boat or canvas awnings. Multiple misting zones can be operated from a switch on the console. Mist-er-Comfort is a standard or optional feature on many new boats, including those from Contender, Fountain and Stamas. Mist-er-Comfort and its dealers will also design systems to retrofit any vessel, with the price of a kit beginning at $299. Mist-er-Comfort, 407-695-0958; www.mist-er-comfort.com
“Gear” from our March 2012 issue.