Jim McManus
A funeral mass was held this week for Jim McManus, president and CEO of the Hinckley Company since June 2007. He died on November 24 following a battle with cancer. He was 52.
McManus took over at Hinckley just as the global economy was crashing. He not only led the company through that challenging time, but also brought it to new heights as the economy has improved. He was instrumental in bringing new investors to Hinckley in 2010, in leading the acquisition of Hunt Yachts and in launching a series of five new models including the Talaria 43. About that yacht, McManus told Yachting the design was a game-changer: “We think it might be the perfect Hinckley because it’s configured in a way that people really want to enjoy their boats.”
McManus was born in New England and graduated from Yale University as well as Harvard Business School. Prior to joining the Hinckley Company, he worked in corporate finance with Lehman Brothers and management consulting with McKinsey & Co. He then served as president of three operating divisions at Aramark Corp. before becoming president and CEO of Zoots Corp.
All the while, McManus was an avid yachtsman who spent weekends aboard his Hinckley Talaria 44. He cruised the New England coastline, with homes in Cambridge and Hyannis.
McManus is survived by his wife, three children, his parents and several sisters.
In lieu of flowers, the Hinckley Company is asking that donations be made to a scholarship fund. Details about the fund are expected to be posted soon at this page on the Hinckley website.