Sure, features like teak-covered cockpits and sole-to-ceiling windows are the stuff that sell boats, but far less attention is paid to practical necessities such as good boarding stairs.
Enter New Jersey-based Quickstep Marine, founded by a boatbuilding veteran who thought the appendage could be improved.
The company’s Yacht-Master series is made of marine-grade 316 stainless steel, has a noticeably large 19.5-inch-wide and 11.25-inch-deep tread design, and can be ordered with teak or custom color treads to match the mothership (custom hardware colors are an option too).
Shorter one-, two- and three-step versions are available, along with second handrails for yachts whose owners or guests want an extra handhold for safety. For owner-operators and crew, easy storage and handling are built into each model’s design.
Take the next step: quickstepmarine.com