You have earned the reputation as the most connected yachtsman at your marina. Thanks to technology, even when you’re not aboard your vessel you’re always ‘connected’ to her. You monitor her vitals and are alerted via text about uncommon temperature changes, low battery charge—even water leaks and shore-voltage issues. You always download and review the latest charts not only on your iPhone and iPad.
Even with all of these technological wares, you still find yourself frequently checking in via phone with your marina—scheduling routine maintenance, alerting them of warranty work that needs to be done and putting together complicated to-do lists.
In lieu of a full-time human assistant for your yacht, one company thinks the future of vessel-maintenance management is in the cloud. The ENJOY Yacht Management app is aimed for tech-savvy, early adopters. Yachtsmen who embrace technology and desire information that can help limit dry-dock time and maximize time on the water.
To launch the app, users go to and choose a membership plan that suits their needs. Plans start at $29 per month. To optimize the app, users must first set up a dashboard via desktop computer or tablet. Yacht owners are the “Master User” of the app. The various people that work on a vessel—whether it’s the yacht’s crew or an outside contractor—will be owner’s “crew.” Simply enter the crew to work on the yacht and use drop-down user menus to assign tasks, ranging from cleaning the sun pad cushions to painting the engine room.
Owners can add customized tasks and schedule recurring tasks too. After set up, owners download the free ENJOY app from the Apple App store or Google Play. Once completed, owners can monitor the to-do lists and communicate with the crew.
When the crew and maintenance team download the free ENJOY app, they can review each assigned task for that time period. Once the task is completed, they can take a photo that owners can view to assure the job has been completed. If any further issues arise that need attention, the crew creates an issue, via the app, takes photos and a push notification will be sent to the owner (master user).
To try it out, ENJOY offers a 30-day trial using the promo code YM30FREE. Visit to learn more.