Dynamic positioning systems have become a must-have feature in recent years, making it far easier for skippers to keep their boats on the same heading or in the same exact spot. This technology makes boating a lot easier for people who, for instance, must pass through a series of opening bridges before heading out to do some coastal cruising. In the past, waiting in a crowded waterway for each bridge to open could be a nerve-wracking challenge. With dynamic positioning, the stress of waiting in place vanishes with the push of a button.
Now, Dockmate—makers of wireless remote controls that skippers can use to control the boat from pretty much anywhere on board—has added dynamic positioning to its products. The new feature is called the Dockmate Positioning System.
The Dockmate Positioning System has two modes, for use in open water and close quarters. In open-water mode, DPS uses the engines to keep the boat in its target position. In close-quarters mode, DPS uses the engines and the bow and stern thrusters to keep the vessel in its target position.
“We have spent a significant amount of time and research over the years to ensure that the Dockmate remote control system provides boaters with the best control of their vessels in some of the more stressful situations like docking and close-quarters maneuvering,” Dirk Illegems, president of Dockmate, stated in a press release. “Whether you are entering a marina or waiting for a bridge or lock, holding your position while stepping away from the helm can be just as important as having fingertip control when pulling into a dock. Our customers have been looking for a dynamic positioning system, and we are happy to deliver.”
Dockmate says this system is driven by a unit that includes a compass, accelerometer and gyroscope. A receiver is installed within the vessel, and it connects to Dockmate GNSS antennas that are installed on the hardtop.
The product is designed for installation on any vessel with at least two engines, and with Dockmate-compatible engine and thruster controls. The operating range for Dockmate with the standard antenna is about 165 feet, and an antenna extension cable can be ordered to increase range to more than 500 feet.
How long has Dockmate been in business? Since 2012 in Belgium, and since 2018 in the United States. The company warranties its products for three years.
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