Fishing in Quebec City
In the waters between Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, bluefin tuna average 700 pounds AND commonly top 1000 pounds. Fish weighing less than 500 pounds are seldom seen, since they don’t have the body mass to make it through the frigid waters east of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. (Anglers consider a bluefin “giant” at 330 pounds.)
But the water surrounding Prince Edward Island — Northumberland Strait and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence — is warm and well protected, with the best fishing just a few miles from port. Catch-and-release charters only became available a few years ago, since bluefin tuna are heavily regulated. So while in Canada, take advantage of this unique fishing opportunity. You might even top the 1496-pound bluefin tuna caught between Nova Scotia and PEI in 1979.
Useful Links:
Bluefin Tuna Charters
Joey’s Deep Sea Fishing
Gulf of Nova Scotia Charter Fishing Association Facebook page
Zappa Tuna Charters
See photos of Quebec City.
Find out how to get there by water.
Read more about it in our May 2012 issue!