As an independent captain, you’re on a lot of boats. There’s the year-round gig running charter dinner cruises and delivering boats up and down the coast in the spring and fall. Private yacht owners needing a steady hand at the helm for weekend jaunts to The Bahamas will also regularly hire you. You always have steady work helping out brokers with their brand-new, million-dollar babies. Heck, you’ll even get calls from yacht owners in the morning for a sunset cruise that evening.
It’s a complicated job, with owners and yacht brokers trusting that you can handle any issues. Work completed correctly and trips made safely means the boats can stay on the water and out of the service yard. Now there’s a new track to the multitude of trips you make every year and keep owners in the loop.

The ENJOY Freelance Captain app turns your smartphone into a cloud-based management system. Say “bon voyage” to trying to locate yacht owners and brokers over the phone—you can document all of your work, log individual excursions and communicate with owners and brokers through the app.
To optimize the app, users must first set up a dashboard via desktop computer or tablet. Freelance captains are the “Master User” of the app. It takes just a few minutes and some clicks to enter the data on a handful of boats.
From here, you create each trip aboard the various vessels you work on and schedule a custom list of tasks for each vessel. Once the trip is completed and you run through your post-trip job list, an automatic email is generated to the owner. And it’s on to the next job.
I also really like how the app can keep track of issues that may arise that need the owner’s immediate attention. Captains can easily document virtually anything via the app, and can include photos too.
ENJOY offers a 30-day trial using the promo code YM30FREE. Visit www.enjoyyc.com to learn more.