The IYBA is an association of brokers that created the yacht-shopping site Yachtr, which keeps adding broker-bio features, most recently videos. The goal is to help shoppers feel more comfortable with the brokers they’re contacting.
“The only information on that page is the listing broker’s information: his name, his cellphone number, his email address directly,” says COO Paul Flannery. “They’re not being routed through some switchboard. They’re not being sent to somebody who has a rooster crowing in the background and has to take their information and call them back. If you see a 72-foot Viking that you like, at the bottom of the page is Carmine Galati’s picture, his name, his face, his email address, his phone number and a link to his bio. You get a chance to know him a little bit.”
Take the next step: yachtr.com