Broker Iain Lawrie at Merle Wood & Associates has listed Cinco V for sale. It’s a Palm Beach 52 that was built in 2015, with an asking price of $1.795 million.
Cinco V is a sedan version of the Palm Beach 52 (which is also available from the builder as a flybridge version). According to Lawrie, the boat has “consistently been treated with the pedigree it deserves throughout its lifespan. It has rarely been slept or cooked on, and is predominantly used for day trips and overnighting.”

The reported engine hours seem to back up that description. There’s a pair of 600 hp Cummins QSC 8.3s in the engine room, and Lawrie says the boat has less than 1,000 hours of use.
Also on board are a new Starlink satellite receiver for onboard communications, and a custom lowered radar arch that keeps the boat’s air draft to 15 feet, 6 inches. The draft on Cinco V is extra-shallow at about 3 feet, 3 inches, making this boat an option for owners who want to cruise in locations without deep water.

The Palm Beach 52 model is known for being efficient and performing well, with a 17-foot, 2-inch beam that creates sizable entertaining areas filled with natural light. This is a two-stateroom boat that can accommodate four people for overnights. The master stateroom has a king-size island berth, while the VIP has twin berths that convert to a queen. Both staterooms are ensuite.

Range is listed as 280 nautical miles. Cinco V’s tender is kept concealed and protected in a garage, furthering its lifespan.
Take the next step: contact Lawrie at www.merlewood.com