Blog one from sea
A maddening day yesterday with only 119 miles covered – one of my worst ever. For some six hours there was no wind and the boat wallowed on the left over waves while sails slapped aloft. I furled the genoa away just to stop her slapping. Finally wind, and right now I am purring along at 10 knots (11 miles per hour) and have the batteries charging up again.
I am in the western side of the Sargasso Sea and seaweed is everywhere, along with debris consisting of twine, buoys and some plastic. Cleaning seaweed off the hydro generators was a routine task yesterday.
Sleeping 30 minutes at a time and doing well. Had first cup of coffee today – strange how when at sea I lose interest in this staple. I heard from my wife Catherine that my departure was on the front page of the “St. Augustine Record” and said, I believe, Bon Voyage Stanley. Nice!
To all those that are following this voyage at www.stanleyparis.com, go to the Yellow Brick symbol to see my progress. And, yes, thank you for your interest.