Marlow Marine Cruising Club spring rendezvous
The newest Marlow 66E Explorer, Sea Foam, was on display a few weeks ago at Ocean Reef Yacht Club in Key Largo, Florida, where the Marlow Marine Cruising Club gathered for its 18th annual Spring Rendezvous.
As Marlow owners cruised into the marina, they were welcomed by a surprise squad of detailers ready to perform washdowns. Several days of fun mixed with seminars followed, with attendees able to learn about the latest advances for cruisers in medicine, electronics, maintenance and more. David Marlow also lead several roundtable discussions to address whatever Marlow owners had on their minds.
The theme for this year’s wrap-up party was The Wild, Wild West, and it included a chance for guests to learn pistol twirling, bull whipping and lassoing.
We can think of a few times those skills might come in handy on the boat.
Learn more at www.marlowmarine.com.