The Palm Beach Motoryachts 50 Flybridge catches your eye with a graceful sheer line, flowing aft from its wave-slicing bow to the curved tumblehome transom. This is a yacht whose lines stand the test of time.
Its classic style is supported by a seakindly warped-V hull form and modern-day propulsion in the form of twin Volvo Penta IPS600s. At a comfortable 25-knot cruise speed, the Palm Beach 50 has a 376-nautical-mile range, making it a solid candidate for that summer getaway. It has a 32-knot top-end.
Its two-stateroom, one-head layout belowdecks will serve a cruising family or a couple traveling with extra hands well.

When it comes to serving meals well, the Palm Beach 50 has a galley-aft setup with a flip-up window to the cockpit, enabling the chef to easily serve guests in the salon and in the cockpit.

Those guests will find myriad seating options, whether it’s the table and bench-style seats on the flybridge, or the cockpit’s L-shaped settee with table to port, or even the salon’s L-shaped settee to port and straight settee across. Of course, open the galley window and the lower salon’s electric windows, and the yacht becomes a voluminous indoor-outdoor entertainment space.
Palm Beach packs a lot of yacht into 50 feet, so come on board with Yachting to get an inside look at all this elegant yacht has to offer.